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About John 8 Ministry

John 8 Ministry

John 8 Ministry is open for all who are wanting to learn, share and come together and talk all things bible and spiritual.

Please email me at to be added to the email list and to receive our weekly online webinar links.

About Nick Patterson

Hi, my name is Nick.

I am a family man and small business owner who wants to let my light shine in those dark places.

I want to help people learn the Truth so they can become strong, not just with knowledge, but with the mindset of a warrior.

I want to see those that are seeking truth to also be confident to apply it in their lives and to never acquiesce their rights due to the fear that comes from a lack of knowledge. I am not a lawyer, nor do I have a university degree; I was actually a professional MMA fighter and, although now retired, I apply the same mindset in different arenas.

This year has tested many; financially, emotionally, name it. So I decided I was going to apply the legal principles I had acquired over the years to stand my ground to defend my rights and in turn my family, beliefs and livelihood.

I have had a number of interactions with police, members of DHHS and government and the results were triumphant.

This site is a platform where basic knowledge and mindset is shared with the intent that you can also have your own victories.

I have always tried my best to do what is right and stand up for truth and I hope this resource will inspire others to do the same.